Health Benefits Of Consuming Makki Roti In Winter

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The ideal food combination for winter is Sarson Ka Saag and Makki Ki Roti. This traditional Punjabi dish is loved throughout India and provides much-needed warmth during the chilly winter months. Butter and ghee are added to the saag and makki roti, respectively, to enhance the flavours further. 

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Health benefits of Makki ki Roti

Makki di Roti hai has amazing benefits for your health. Let's explore them: 

Abundance of vitamins

The ingredient used to make Makki ka atta is known as maize flour. It is corn, a winter food staple in Northern India. It contains an abundance of all the essential vitamins your body needs regularly. Vitamins A, C, and K are all present in makki flour, along with B vitamins. In addition, maize flour is also rich in iron, phosphorus, zinc, and antioxidants.

Controls blood sugar

In order to control blood sugar, Makki flour is a fibrous flour. A diet rich in fibre ensures that blood sugar is released gradually, preventing an insulin spike. Additionally, helping with digestion and maintaining gut health is maize flour's high fibre content.

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Maize flour is the best to use because it is gluten-free and lactose-free. Gluten-rich foods like wheat, chapati and other items need to be eliminated from the diets of lactose-intolerant people. Consider including Makki roti in your winter diet if you're looking for a wheat chapati substitute.

Keeps you warm

Makki Ki Roti will keep you warm in the cold because Makki is naturally warm. So enjoy the winter months by mixing it with saag and topping it with butter or ghee.

Beneficial for pregnant women

Maize flour is also high in folic acid, an essential nutrient for pregnant women and new moms. A mother and her unborn child will avoid nutrient deficiencies thanks to the additional nutrients present in chemical-free Makki flour.

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Therefore, Makki di roti and Sarson da saag are everyone's favorite, not only north Indians. You can order 100% organic Makki flour from the Earthy Tales website and enjoy your winter season. 



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Earthy Tales Organics was founded in 2017 by Deepak Sabharwal, an ex-TATA, GE & PEPSI alumni who quit his corporate life of two decades after his mother was diagnosed with carcinoma, to bring about a change in how we grow and consume our food🌱

Earthy Tales is an award-winning, social impact organization which mentor’s organic farmers to grow chemical-free food and home delivers the same in Pan India. They are championing the cause of Sustainability with both farmers and city communities, thereby also building a greener planet. Currently working closely with 500+ organic farmers, Earthy Tales is a global case study for positively impacting the city and farming communities and also a government-incubated agri set-up in the Organic food space.

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The content on Earthy Tales Community is for informational, education purposes only and is not a substitute for a professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any a new treatment, a therapy or any specific foods to eat or avoid in any particular health condition. Earthy Tales Community will not have any liabilities for any side health effects, should anyone have it from the use of any information on our site.

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