Cold weather is upon us which inevitably means so is the dreaded winter cold season. If winter colds are something you never seem to avoid, then maybe you should try adding a few winter superfoods into your organic diet!
The following organic natural superfoods are in season during the winter months, making them the perfect foods to battle any winter ailments that may come your way.
Most known for its benefits fighting urinary tract infections, cranberries are also incredibly rich in other health-boosting benefits. Cranberries are an excellent source of antioxidants and flavonoids, which help to ward of cancers and fight heart disease. With 24% of the daily-recommended amount of vitamin C in one serving, cranberries also give the immune system a boost.
Add fresh or dried cranberries to salads, trail mix or oatmeal but don’t go overboard. Cranberries also contain a high amount of fructose, a natural sugar that like all sugars needs to be eaten in moderation.
Most of the health benefits of carrots are thanks to their bright orange color. This orange color signifies an immense amount of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that the body changes into vitamin A. Alongside vitamin A, carrots also contain vitamins C, K, and B as well as the minerals foliates, potassium, iron, copper and manganese.
Due to their nutrients, carrots have been found to boost eye health, aid in heart health and ward off certain cancers. Carrots also contain antiseptic and antibacterial abilities that make it ideal for boosting the immune system and warding off illness.
Roast carrots with olive oil and seasonings or toss them into warming soups for a healthy, immune-boosting meal.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are tiny nutritional powerhouses. Small in size, these tiny seeds pack a wallop in nutrients including the all-important omega-3 fatty acids. These omega-3 fatty acids help to raise the good cholesterol (HDL) in the body which protects against heart attack and stroke. Chia seeds also contain more calcium by weight than milk, more magnesium than broccoli and have the same protein found in meat.
While not necessarily a seasonal food, chia seeds are a food that should be consumed at all times of the year to boost your overall health. Building a strong foundation means that your body will be less susceptible to diseases and illnesses.
Add chia seeds to your diet by sprinkling them into yogurt, oatmeal or blending them into smoothies.
From its greens to its purple roots, beets are an incredible superfood. They may have the highest sugar content of all the vegetables, but beets eaten sparingly provide incredible health benefits such as an immune system boost and lower blood pressure. High in vitamin C for an immune boost, beets also contain fiber, potassium and manganese, both of which are essential for healthy nerves, muscles and liver.
Don’t just focus on the beetroot though – beet greens are actually more nutrient dense that the roots! Beet greens contain significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and iron alongside several other vital minerals.
Beets are fantastic grated raw over a salad or juiced into a fresh juice. Add the greens to a mixed greens salad or along with the root in a juice!
Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts may have been voted the most hated vegetable, but we think it’s only because of their smell. The truth is that these tiny cabbages only smell when overcooked – something that should be avoided to keep the smell under control as well as the nutrients intact! When cooked, brussels sprouts should be bright green as well as just a touch crisp, not smelly or mushy.
Though they are low in calories at just 50 calories per cup, Brussels sprouts are chock full of nutrition. A one cup serving of Brussels sprouts contains more than 240 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin K and nearly 130 percent of the immune-boosting vitamin C.
That smell that tends to turn people away is actually a sign of sulfur-containing compounds. These compounds activate enzymes in the cells that are required for protection against liver damage as well as detoxification of cancer-causing substances. A healthy liver location is vital to the overall health of the body, and eating Brussels sprouts just a few times a week can significantly boost liver health and function.
To make sure you don’t overcook Brussels sprouts, try steaming them with a bit of olive oil, seasonings and parmesan cheese. You can also dice them into quarters, season them with salt and pepper and eat them raw!